Excellent article! Sounds like you may have read Zimmerman's "Family & Civilization" where he writes about the atomistic family and moral decay. I like how you expand your view to the truth provided by the laws of physics & math. Your phrase "patterns of concentrations" remined me of "the birthday problem" (1), a prime example showing that truth is often counterintuitive to humans.

A big picture view I have long held is that populations cannot, for long, handle the lack of grave adversity. Without this intense and long lasting adversity, populations begin wallowing in superficialities and become weak, leading to some catastrophic event which causes them to become strong again. Unprecedented government borrowing has kept us from experiencing much adversity that we would have worked to solve in advance of this predicted event.

I was also reminded of John B. Calhoun's famous "rat utopia" experiments and how the various rat behaviors creepily predict what is happening today. With the rats, overcrowding was the problem but with humans, other researchers have looked at the intrusion of society into a person's mind, as a possible parallel (2). And unfortunately, some researchers offer the wrong solutions to the problems they document.

Also, I've tried to explain to friends why a corporation mostly has to give people what they want, compared to a government, which is much more able to deceive them. This is because we can easily discern the value of a product for sale, but no one has time to read all the bills that are voted on, so we have to rely on what politicians or media say. And only 3.4% of journalists are republicans. (3)

I'm also a big fan of seeing spectrums as opposed to seeing all or none. Spectrum thinking gets closer to the truth most often, in my view. People are creatures of incentive, and how they view occurrences, affects their reactions.

Thank you for the insightful article and keep up the good work!

(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem

(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2636191/

(3) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/study-finds-that-just-34-of-american-journalists-are-republicans/ar-AA1m6Tf6

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