You nailed it. I was surprised that this quality article is from someone who is not in the industry. There’s no bigger fallacy than the `YOU DON'T NEED A DEGREE`. You need it.

There are so many computer science universities worldwide that are enough to cover any open position and yet still most of their graduates will still be unemployed. When I finished computer science I had already worked on my first real programming job, had two academic papers published, contributed to open source and had a good internship. Guess what: so did my peers. All of that simply because universities in computer science can facilitate those opportunities. You cannot beat that if you are from a bootcamp or even a holder of another degree.

Obviously not all cs students are good enough to make it, that’s why a limited number of graduates is going to be employed but that number is enough to cover the industry needs.

Most software influencers never had a real job in the industry for over a year, you can see the pattern on their cv: they land a job, probably they get fired (and hide it) and then they boast how they got in to sell hope to other individuals. Obviously by targeting individuals without a degree they have a bigger pool to sell courses and get views. The industry does not give them any time and money, you should do the same.

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Thank you for writing this article.

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